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Alchemy Guild

paracelsus_award_large.jpgTHE PARACELSUS AWARD 

The Paracelsus Award is presented by the International Alchemy Guild (IAG) to English, German, Spanish, Russian, and French language web sites. The purpose of the award is to recognize and honor outstanding web resources, archives, and commercial, organizational, and personal URLs that elucidate the philosophy of alchemy or apply alchemical methods to the arts and sciences. The categories include not only Hermetic web sites but also sites devoted to personal transformation, health, psychology, creative arts, history, business, spiritual disciplines, as well as the traditional sciences. The criteria for the award in order of importance are as follows:



  • The web site must either offer resources for transformation ("perfecting" or transmuting something) or attempt to explain the universal principles of transformation behind alchemy. 
  • The web site must show serious intent. Web sites for entertainment only or web sites that offer magical or alchemy role-playing games will be disqualified.  
  • The alchemical purpose of the web site should be obvious on entry. The harder the transformational resources or alchemical nature of the site are to find, the less likely the award will be given.
  • The transformational material should be well organized. The site should be easy to navigate with graphics and resources loading within a reasonable time. 

Past winners range in focus from sites devoted to magic to those covering quantum physics and include amateur, professional, and commercial categories. To submit your web site or recommend someone else's, send the URL of the site with your comments to Jason Collette. Winning nominations will be notified by email.

Auroleus Phillipus Theostratus Bombastus von Hohenheim, immortalized as "Paracelsus," was born in 1493. He was the son of a well known physician, and it was from him that Paracelsus took his first instruction in medicine. At the age of sixteen, Paracelsus entered the University of Basil where he applied himself to the study of alchemy, surgery, and medicine. A devoted alchemist and iconoclastic teacher, Paracelsus is credited with the practice of modern medicine and introduced many new compounds, including opium and mercury, into the arsenal of physicians. Acknowledged as the inventor of chemical pharmacology and therapeutics, his works also indicate a spiritually advanced knowledge of the universal principles of the life force.

 WINNERS OF THE PARACELSUS AWARD (in alpabetical order)

  1. Aeon Globe
  2. Alchemical Hypnotherapy Institute
  3. Alchemical Works of Jason Wolf 
  4. Alchemist's Treasure
  5. Alchemy Guild Ohio
  6. Alchemy Website Virtual Library
  7. Alchemy 101
  8. Alchemy Journal
  9. Alchemy Lab
  10. Al-Kemi
  11. Alternate Realities in Art and Thought
  12. Ancient Rosae Crucis
  13. Art Sublime
  14. Create Your Own Truth
  15. Dar' Shem
  16. Down the Rabbit Hole (Dr. Paul Kiritsis)
  17. Dreamgate
  18. EarthSpirit Center
  19. Esoteric Art of David Camp
  20. Flamel College
  21. Fourth Way School
  22. Fraternity of the Hidden Light
  23. Galerie Fantastic
  24. Global Healing Center
  25. Haunted-Places.com
  26. Hermetic Fellowship Resources Page
  27. Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
  28. Hermetic Yoga
  29. Herbalist-Alchemist
  30. Home of David Ulansey
  31. IAS and Manjushri Mandala
  32. Key of Eden 
  33. My Angels and Friends
  34. Natural Magic
  35. New Thought Movement Homepage
  36. Occult Tides
  37. Occult Tides
  38. Pythagorean Tarot
  39. Rosicrucian Order
  40. Rotation of the Elements
  41. Salamander and Sons
  42. Sanctum Sanctorum
  43. Scientific Pantheism
  44. Scottish Pals
  45. Shared Transformation
  46. Soaps of Smetana
  47. Spagyricus (Robert Bartlett)
  48. Spiritual Information Center
  49. Stardreaming
  50. The Temple of Mercury
  51. The 40s Bar and Grill
  52. Librería Arcángel Rafael Transmutar (Spanish)
  53. Unified Field Octagal
  54. Violet Flame - The Alchemist's Dream


Once your web site has been approved, copy and paste one of the following images to your web page. Then manually add the link " http://alchemyguild.memberlodge.org/awards " to the image, so the award can be verified by clicking on it.



Small Award Size





Large Award Size


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